Teacher Pechrung Chaimongkol

Pechrung Chaimongkol

Teacher Pechrung Chaimongkol

Branches Germany

Teacher Pechrung Chaimongkol (Germany Branch)

(Teacher-Instructor of Thai Yoga & Healing Art Massage School Germany Branch)

(Teacher-Instructor of Ruesi Datton (Thai Yoga Ascetic Self Stretching) Thailand- Germany Branch)

(Teacher-Instructor of Thai Yoga Massage Thailand- Germany Branch)

(Teacher-Instructor of Foot Reflexology Thailand- Germany Branch)

(Instructor Member: Thai Healing Alliance International)

(Licensed: Thai Yoga Massage & Foot Reflexology Teacher & Therapist, Germany Branch)

(Licensed: Thai Yoga & Healing Art Affiliated School Branch Network in Germany)


Professional therapist certified Spa Born Academy

Work location: Adresse, Marienplatz 8 Siegenburg 93354

Tel. 09444 977 60 88


Di.-Sa: 09 – 19:00 Uhr 

Sonn-Mo. & Feiertags: geschlossen 

Nur mit Terminvereinbarung 

Website: https://balance-massage.info/home

Email: [email protected]

FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/BalanceMassageSiegenburg

Tel: 4916095519968

WhatsApp: 4916095519968

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